BCYP 103: Common Acronyms and Initialisms

As an organization with over 90 years of history, we have developed jargon over the years that members begin to pick up on throughout their time in BCYP. While you don’t need to memorize this information, giving the table below a quick glance should get you 90% of the way there! As a general rule, Cabinet will try to not use these in the Chamber, but many of us are boomers that are stuck in our ways.

CoE Committee on Elections

CSC Camp Steering Committee

DP Deputy Premier

DS Deputy Speaker

FAA Financial Administration Act

Leg Legislation (or the BC Legislature, depending on context!)

LGinC Lieutenant Governor in Council (Cabinet executing its powers, such as for an OiC)

LM Lower Mainland

LOFO Leader of the Opposition

Min Fin Minister of Finance

Min Fun Minister of Fundraising

MinSta Minister of State

MRAA Ministerial Responsibilities Amendment Act

OiC Order in Council

PAA Parliamentary Activities Act

Parl Sec Parliamentary Secretary

Prov Sec Provincial Secretary

PS Parliamentary Secretary

RMC Risk Management Committee

RYP Regional Youth Parliament

RYPAA Regional Youth Parliament Amendment Act

RYPMC Regional Youth Parliament Management Committee

SI Southern Interior

Yours in Parliament,

Ranil Prasad